6 August 2020
Today we meet with Radovan Bast (@__radovan, Homepage) from Tromsø in Northern Norway. Radovan moved into software engineering via theoretical chemistry. The journey wasn’t easy, or as Radovan put it “I had imposter syndrome.” However, one of the highlights in this transition has been teaching others software and watch “eyes opening and lights turning on.” In our session we talk about some of Radovan’s exciting projects like Cicero - shared presentations or filtering and finding misinformation. He is also co-author of the CMake Cookbook.
Radovan is closely working with colleagues in Norway, Sweden, Finland and other countries to build and grow a Nordic RSE organisation, kicking off with a conference planned for December 2020 in Stockholm (Covid-19 permitting).
Radovan Bast created an RSE Phenotype, a simple plot to show the dimensions that help to define their work, and the communities they are defined for using the RSE Phenotype Generator