
Call for Participation

Following on the conference theme, USRSE’25 is looking for submissions in three main areas:

  • Code: share your research software
  • Practices: discuss research software engineering practices
  • People: all things related to research software engineers

Submissions will be sought in several categories:

  • Talks: Short presentations of work shared in a paper, code notebook, or abstract
  • Tutorials/Workshops: Sessions that teach participants a new skill
  • Birds of Feather: Group sessions that bring together participants to discuss a common topic of interest
  • Posters

Student submissions are welcome in all categories and will be evaluated with other submissions.

Further details will be posted soon.


The submission reviewer volunteer interest form will be open soon.

Volunteers should plan to conduct reviews of most materials between mid-May and mid-June. Poster reviewers will conduct their reviews the last week of July and the first week of August.


  • Submission deadline - everything but posters: 2025-05-02
    • Notifications: 2025-07-14
  • Submission deadline - posters: 2025-07-20
    • Notifications: 2025-08-15

Presenter conference registration deadline: 2025-08-08


Submissions will open mid-February 2025.