The following position papers were submitted by our presenters and panelists as background material for the workshop.

Weronika Filinger, Neil Chue Hong (Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre) and Jeremy Cohen (Imperial College, London): UNIVERSE-HPC: Supporting the training and career development of RSEs

Marlon Pierce (Indiana University), Michael Zentner (University of California, San Diego), Maytal Dahan (University of Texas), Sandra Gesing (University of Illinois), Claire Stirm (San Diego Supercomputer Center), and Linda Hayden (Elizabeth City State University): The Science Gateway Community Institute’s Consulting Services Program: Lessons for Research Software Engineering Organizations

Emilio Justiniano Carcamo Troconis, Henry Andres Jimenez, Carlos Jaime Barrios Hernandez, Jathinson Meneses and Gabriel Pedraza (Industrial University of Santander, Colombia): A Research Software Engineering Development Path for Scientific Applications in Oil and Gas

William Godoy (Oak Ridge National Laboratory): A perspective to navigate the National Laboratory environment for RSE career growth

Dmitry Nikolaenko (Durham University): Reflections on RSE role’s challenges at the early career stage