Chapel's Home in the Landscape of New Scientific Computing Languages

Posted by Jonathan Dursi on June 04, 2017 · 1 min read

This is a crosspost from Jonathan Dursi, R&D computing at scale. See the original post here.

I was invited to speak at this past weekend’s fourth annual Chapel Implementers and Users Workshop (CHIUW 2017). It was a great meeting, with lots of extremely high-quality talks on work being done with and on Chapel. The slides from the presentations will be up shortly, and I recommend them - the libfabric, KNL, use-after-free tracking, and GraphBLAS works were of particular interest to me. The Code Camp on the next day, working with members the Chapel team on individual particular projects, was also a lot of fun.

The topic of my own talk was “Chapel’s Home in the Landscape of New Scientific Computing Languages (and what it can learn from the neighbours)”; the materials from the talk can be found on github. I described the sorts of problems I’m particularly interested in, surveyed some of the languages/frameworks in there, and tried to identify what I saw as Chapel’s role in the environment.

My slides can be seen below or on github, where the complete materials can be found.