
Call for Submissions

We invite submissions for the second annual US-RSE Conference to be held in Albuquerque, New Mexico, October 15-17, 2024. The theme of this year’s conference is “Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow: A celebration of all that RSEs have done for computing in the past, in the present, and in the future.” Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • History of the RSE movement
  • RSE impact
  • Efforts to expand the RSE movement
  • Research data management
  • Software engineering approaches supporting research
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for RSEs and in RSEng
  • Training and workforce development
  • Maturing and expanding the RSE profession

Submission Website: EasyChair; please see submission templates below for each type of submission.

Review and Publication: All contributions will be subject to non-anonymous peer review for quality, relevance, and novelty, which will determine acceptance. All submissions will be kept confidential prior to publication in the proceedings. Instructions for camera-ready versions will be sent to authors of accepted submissions. All submission types will be published as open access in Zenodo.

Accepted abstracts will be placed on the website ahead of the conference.

Questions? Contact the Technical Program organizers:

Important Dates

  • Submissions open: Monday, February 12 for all but notebooks. Notebooks to open Monday, February 26.
  • BoFs, Workshops, and Tutorials: Due Friday, April 5. BoF and Workshop notifications Friday, May 10. Tutorial notifications Tuesday, May 21.
  • Papers and Notebooks: Due Monday, June 3. Notifications Wednesday, July 10 for notebooks and Wednesday, July 17 for papers.
  • Posters and Talks: Due Monday, June 17 AoE. Notifications Friday, July 19.
  • Camera-ready submissions (Notebooks, Papers): Friday, August 23
  • Camera-ready submissions (Posters): Friday, October 25

Birds of a Feather (BoFs)

Birds of a Feather sessions are expected to be informal, and ideally will include the audience’s participation. Sessions will last 90 minutes and take place in rooms that will accommodate approximately 100 people. Organizers may choose to submit with all presenters determined at the time of submission or include a plan for finding BoF presenters upon acceptance. Submission template here.


Workshops will take place in person at the conference. They will be 180 minutes, not including a 30-minute break in the middle. We will accept proposals for either Discussion Topics, similar to Birds of a Feather but with a longer time frame, or Learning Topics, which will be in-person teaching with hands-on exercises for attendees very similar to Tutorials, though delivered in-person. Please note that you MAY submit similar proposals for both a tutorial and a Learning Topic workshop if you would like to deliver the same content online. Submission template here.


Tutorials will take place ahead of the conference in a virtual format (to be recorded) from September 30th to October 11th. Infrastructure to register participants and allow the hosts to run the tutorial via Zoom will be provided. Tutorials may be either 90 minutes or two 90 minute sessions with a 30 minute break in the middle. Please note that you MAY submit similar proposals for both a tutorial and a Learning Topic workshop if you would like to deliver the same content in person at the conference. Submission template here.


Papers will consist of submissions up to 10 pages in length, including figures, not counting references. Submissions should adhere to the IEEE format in US letter size as a PDF file, see here. Accepted paper submissions will additionally give an oral presentation at the conference, with 18 minutes for the speaker and 4 minutes for questions. Papers will be published via Zenodo after the conference’s completion. A special issue for papers is under consideration but no decision has yet been made. Submission template here.


There are many reasons RSEs might want to publish a computational notebook. They might aim to showcase tools through engaging narratives or release interactive dashboards for exploring datasets related to RSE careers. To account for the broad variety of use cases for notebooks, we officially support submissions in R (i.e. Rmd, Qmd); Python (i.e. ipynb, Qmd); or other languages supported by Quarto, but we can also accept any language supported by and its backend engines which include Jupyter kernels and the Knitr engine. Examples of notebook submissions may include, but not limited to, the following: showcasing a tool, workflow, or dataset, or publishing a notebook-based research/data paper, lesson, or other instructional document. Accepted notebooks will be given the opportunity for a 12-minute oral presentation plus 3 minutes for questions. Notebook submission template here.


Talks will take place across the entire conference. They will be oral presentations lasting 12 minutes with 3 minutes for questions, organized into 90-minute sessions. Submission template here. Abstracts for talks need to be submitted; talk slides does not need to be part of the submission.


The poster session will be held on the evening of the first night of the conference, October 15th. Poster constraints will be announced to accepted posters. Submission template here. Abstracts for posters need to be submitted; the poster does not need to be part of the submission.