
NCSA is piloting a new role, Research Solutions Architect. Common in industry settings, Solutions Architecture is a novel concept in research computing. We start with a portfolio of standardized hosted services that address common research computing and data problems. We then apply Human Centered Design techniques to understand the problems facing researchers and assemble complete solutions based on products from the portfolio. The result is a low-cost process for meeting the needs of many researchers across campus.

In this poster we will show the process we go through to design these solutions and explain some of the products in NCSA’s current portfolio.

Social Media Intelligence and Learning Environment (SMILE), a key application of the Social Media Macroscope (SMM) project, is an open-source platform tailored for social media research. SMILE addresses the limitations of existing social media analytics tools, such as high costs and restricted access to data acquisition and analysis methodologies. It offers a comprehensive suite of tools via an easy-to-use web interface, facilitating free academic research. By maintaining open-source code, SMILE ensures transparency and reproducibility of the research results. Additionally, it uses the user's credentials for data collection, adhering to social media platform protocols and guidelines to ensure proper data collection.

One notable feature of SMILE is its sentiment analysis capability, which includes the VADER (Valence Aware Dictionary and sEntiment Reasoner) algorithm, SentiWordNet algorithm, and a machine learning-trained sentiment model with debiased word embeddings. This makes SMILE an invaluable tool for researchers aiming to understand and interpret the emotional tone of social media content. Other analytics offered by SMILE include natural language processing, network analysis, and machine learning classification, name entity recognition, and topic modeling, each incorporating multiple algorithms with appropriate academic citations.

SMILE's microservice architecture ensures portability and scalability. CIlogon provides secure and lightweight identity management. The backend, powered by Node.js/Express and GraphQL, handles user requests and social media data collection. Analytics modules run in separate containers, with RabbitMQ managing communication between the backend and analytics modules. MinIO is employed to provide secure data storage and an integration with NCSA Clowder facilitates community data sharing.

SMILE leverages Docker containers managed by Kubernetes and Helm charts for continuous integration and deployment. All images and deployment charts are accessible on GitHub and Docker Hub. Automation scripts, leveraging GitHub Actions, are in place to simplify build, publication, and deployment tasks, making migration, upgrade, and deployment processes efficient and user-friendly.

This poster describes the research software engineering and user experience approaches, as well as lessons learned from initial deployments, for a new open-source web UI tool, OGRRE, which enables rapid human review of Google Doc AI-digitized oil and gas regulatory documents.

The US has hundreds of thousands of orphaned oil and gas wells that no longer have a responsible owner. These wells pose an environmental and human health risk, as they can leak methane and other pollutants into the air and groundwater if they become compromised. In 2021, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law was passed which allocated $4.7 billion for orphaned well plugging in the US. One major barrier to the Herculean task of plugging these wells is providing the stakeholders doing this work with accurate information about their location, construction, and status. This information is often documented in regulatory paper records created during the well permitting process. While many regulatory agencies have scanned their paper records, they often lack the resources necessary to digitize their content. Extracting this information and organizing it in computer databases will help regulatory agencies as they seek to better characterize the orphaned wells under their jurisdiction and prioritize their plugging.

Modern AI/ML optical character recognition (OCR) models can aid the efficient digitization of historic well records. However, these documents often date back over 100 years and contain handwritten fields and many other anomalies. This results in a significant challenge when training AI/ML algorithms to accurately identify fields, and results are often imperfect. Human review of the documents is needed to find and correct problems. With hundreds of thousands of documents to process and limited resources, an efficient melding of the human-in-the-loop tasks with the AI/ML models becomes essential.

This poster will describe the Oil and Gas Regulatory Record digitizEr (OGRRE) — a custom user interface we developed to facilitate rapid human review of digitized oil and gas regulatory documents. OGRRE uses retrained AI/ML models developed by Google Document AI. The tool is designed to enable the interactive review and correction of AI/ML extracted data. The poster will describe the combination of Google Doc AI modeling, software engineering, and user experience approaches used to create the OGGRE tool and software infrastructure, as well as lessons learned from our pilot deployment of the tool.

OGRRE development is supported by the United States Department of Energy’s Undocumented Orphaned Well Program under the CATALOG project.

Building on discussions first started at the German RSE conference in 2023 (de-RSE23), a recent pre-print, Foundational Competencies and Responsibilities of a Research Software Engineer, identifies a set of core competencies required for RSEng and describes possible pathways of development and specialisation for RSEs. It is the first output of a group with broad interests in the teaching and learning of RSEng skills.

With continuing growth in RSE communities around the world, and sustained global demand for RSEng skills, US-RSE24 presents an opportunity to align international efforts towards

  • training the next generation of RSEs
  • providing high-quality professional development opportunities to those already following the career path
  • empowering RSE Leaders to further advocate for the Research Software Engineering needs and expertise in their teams, institutions, and communities.

Therefore, we want to give an overview of what the group has been working on so far, discuss the aims of our future work, and invite members of the international RSE community to contribute and provide feedback. We particularly encourage members of regional groups focused on RSEng training and skills to attend and share their perspectives.

Molecular software is beginning to use more GPU-accelerated compute and traditional CI solutions can often be expensive when running longer GPU tests. In order to understand the existing solutions, we reviewed 6 potential self-hosted GitHub Actions Runner candidates from a curated list. This poster explains how the Open Molecular Software Foundation (OMSF) seeks to provide a new solution[8] for cloud-based GitHub Actions Runners to make scaling of GPU compute more effective for molecular software. We highlight the long-term community decisions discussed, such as language selection, ability to receive feedback, cloud-agnostic architecture, and ease of maintainability that lead to developing a new solution rather than updating existing tooling. In addition, we discuss common pitfalls in working with cloud-based infrastructure and how we implemented a testing strategy to mitigate the potential costs of untested infrastructure code.

The Carpentries is a community building global capacity in essential data and computational skills for conducting efficient, open, and reproducible research. In addition to certified Instructors teaching Data Carpentry, Library Carpentry, and Software Carpentry workshops around the world, the community also includes many people contributing to and maintaining Open Source lessons.

Recent years have seen enormous growth in the number and diversity of lessons the community is creating, including many teaching skills and concepts essential to Research Software Engineering: software packaging and publication, environment and workflow management, containerised computing, etc. As this curriculum community has developed, demand has been growing for training opportunities, teaching how to design and develop Open Source curriculum effectively and in collaboration with others.

A new program launched in 2023, The Carpentries Collaborative Lesson Development Training teaches good practices in lesson design and development, and open source collaboration skills, using The Carpentries Workbench, an Open Source infrastructure for building accessible lesson websites.

As the discipline of Research Software Engineering continues to develop and mature, there is an increasing need for high-quality, Open Source and community-maintained training, and for the expertise to develop those resources. This poster will provide an overview of the training, explain how it meets this need, and describe how it fits into The Carpentries ecosystem for lesson development. It will also explain how RSEs can enroll in the training, and give examples of lesson projects that have benefited from it already.

Achieving performance portability while ensuring code sustainability is often challenging, particularly with research software applications. In complex codes comprised of many distinct physics modules coupled together to form a larger system, such as climate and weather models, the challenges are compounded. The individual physics components are often developed independently by domain scientists from different backgrounds and designing software for performance and maintainability is sometimes a secondary consideration. Utilizing software frameworks can help reduce the complexity of these large coupled application codes while also providing mechanisms to help obtain performance portability and accessibility to domain scientists. AMReX is a software framework for multiphysics applications targeting high performance computing and is designed with multiple levels of abstractions to ease software design and development. In this work, we focus on extending the Energy Research and Forecasting (ERF) model, built on the AMReX framework, to couple with land surface models. We present a new C++ implementation of the Simplified Land Model (SLM) in ERF based on the Fortran version in the System for Atmospheric Modeling (SAM) code. Performance and validation between the original and new SLM implementation will be shown. Additionally, we will discuss the process of re-implementing SLM in ERF and share our experiences and lessons learned for the broader research software community.

When conducting scientific experiments, vast collections of data and subsequently scientific metadata are generated. Maintaining the set of FAIR (findability, accessibility, interoperability, and reusability) principles is often challenging given large datasets and various metadata standards. MARS (Metadata Aggregator for Reproducible Science) aims to address this challenge as an open-source application by providing a structured interface on top of database storage for the management and querying of scientific metadata, particularly in the biological sciences.

MARS introduces a nomenclature for a metadata abstraction that is intended to be customizable and scalable across scientific contexts. A core architectural feature of MARS is the ability to granularize units of metadata into single “entities”. Entities may represent a physical or digital object, ranging from whole animals to brain slice images from that same animal. Raw data are not stored in MARS, rather external links to the relevant data storage platforms are stored within entities. Graph-like connections can be used to establish relationships between entities, and a “project” grouping system within MARS allows entities to be grouped with each other to represent contexts such as experimental output, physical storage contents, or data presented in a publication.

To specify metadata associated with an entity, MARS uses key-value pairings known as “attributes”. Attributes can be used to express metadata on a per-entity basis, or attribute templates can be created and reused across multiple entities. Attributes are named uniquely, and the values are restricted to types including “date”, “string”, “number”, or a set of fixed options defined in a drop-down menu.

MARS also provides several features useful for scientists, such as an ORCID ID authentication requirement for all users, metadata import from CSV, Excel, and JSON files, multiple metadata export options, and the ability to construct and execute queries across all stored metadata. MARS uses a React frontend written in TypeScript and utilizes components from the Chakra UI library. The Node.js backend couples Express.js with GraphQL to exchange data with a MongoDB database, and is currently hosted on Microsoft Azure.

MARS has been deployed successfully within a neuroscience laboratory, managing hundreds of unique entities and 6 active users. Intuitive training for new users is incorporated within the software for each step required to manage entities and attributes across the platform. Potential future deployment targets for MARS include other laboratories and core facilities at Washington University in St. Louis.


Electroencephalography (EEG) preprocessing is the initial and critical step for accurate brain function and behavior analysis. There is a pressing demand for an automatic pipeline that can process huge volumes of data, yet existing commercial software solutions are expensive, have no batch processing capabilities and offer limited automation. While open-source libraries in Python and R can be used to implement a solution, it demands extensive programming expertise in researchers who very often lack knowledge of programming and batch processing. This project introduces an accessible, scalable, EEG processing pipeline framework tailored for high-performance computing (HPC). It features a graphical user interface (GUI) with node editor based drag and drop pipeline creator with reusable modules, a Python based pipeline runner to run the serialized interpretation of pipeline leveraging MNE library, and SLURM integration for batch processing. The framework provides modules for commonly used preprocessing steps such as filtering, epoching, artifact rejection, baseline correction and advanced techniques like Independent Component Analysis (ICA) and power spectral density analysis. The framework has been supporting diverse EEG research applications including resting state, letter flanker and emotional regulation analysis at BRAINS Lab with ACCRE computing cluster at Vanderbilt University, proving its flexibility and adaptability for real world use cases. By significantly advancing the accessibility and increasing automation of EEG preprocessing, this system holds promise for reducing barriers and accelerating research in neuroscience and related fields.

EPMT (Experiment Performance Management Tool) is an open source tool for aggregating metadata/metrics from batch jobs of interest at GFDL's post-processing and analysis cluster (PPAN). EPMT features ultra-lightweight metadata annotation capabilities, minimally impacting batch job execution. EPMT scrapes a wide array of metrics, including software metadata (high-level) and process level data(low-level). Data scraping occurs inside of the application, and is recorded based on how the application sees itself. The goal of EPMT is to be able to easily cut through noisy data and identify whether issues are software or hardware related. Sometimes the same job, run on the same file, can have a different result. An example explored in this poster is when we used EPMT to generate of histograms of all metrics, which lead to the identification of a spike in read bytes at a specific value, for which we were able to conduct root cause analysis. EPMT can help identify these kinds of issues, detect anomalies, and help predict where future hardware changes will need to be made to keep a system running.

The Department of Energy Systems Biology Knowledgebase (KBase) is a community-driven research platform designed for discovery, knowledge creation, and sharing. The open-access platform integrates data and analysis tools into reproducible notebooks called Narratives. KBase provides access to DOE computing infrastructure for running applications, enables collaborative research and publishing of findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable (FAIR) analyses. KBase’s 40,000 users come from a broad range of experience levels and research interests, thus characterizing the user base and targeting engagements is crucial to grow and support the scientific communities using the platform for research. In this poster we share our models for enabling users through training and documentation development, social platforms for community communication, and education materials development.

The team works to support users to develop skills and knowledge of computational biology through user development and support activities in order to advance their research. User development activities include hosting workshops and webinars to demonstrate the features and analytical capabilities of the platform. Workshops are designed to communicate scientific content knowledge, support institutional research needs, and facilitate collaboration between research groups. Webinars are broadcast to a global audience and showcase powerful workflows, new tools and features, and speakers from community developers to subject matter experts.

User support is provided through a help board that allows users to report bugs or ask questions to be addressed by project members. User help tickets are public so that questions and answers are findable by future users. Users may also submit new feature requests to inform platform development to better serve their needs. This board is supported by dedicated staff, dedicated subject matter experts, and rotating developers.

Additionally, the KBase Educators Program supports professors and teachers by developing curriculum for computational biology. This program includes biology and data science instructors teaching students at community colleges, primarily undergraduate, and doctoral research institutions that represent diverse populations, including Minority-Serving and Emerging Research Institutions. The program uses accessible and reproducible modules to encourage students without programming skills or access to additional computational resources.

Through each of these approaches, KBase provides a platform that ensures research software reaches the end-user biologists and data scientists enabling them to fully utilize these sophisticated tools and share knowledge in a FAIR manner across the scientific community.

There is a large variety of types of research software at different stages of evolution. Due to the nature of research and its software, existing models from software engineering often do not cover the unique needs of RSE projects. This lack of clear models can confuse potential software users, developers, funders, and other stakeholders who need to understand the state of a particular software project, such as when deciding to use it, contribute to it, or fund it. We present work performed by a group consisting of both software engineering researchers (SERs) and research software engineers (RSEs), who met at a Dagstuhl seminar, to collaborate on these ideas.

Through our collaboration, we found many of our terminologies and definitions often vary, for example one person may consider a software project to be early-stage or in maintenance mode, whilst another person might consider the same software to be inactive or failed. Because of this, we explored concepts such as software maturity, intended audience, and intended future use. In this poster, we will present a working categorization of research software types, as well as an abstract software lifecycle that can be applied and customized to suit a wide variety of research software types. Such a model can be used to make decisions and guide development standards that may vary by stage and by team. We also are seeking community input on improvements of these two artifacts for future iterations.

As part of the Oak the Leadership Computing Facility's (OLCF) motivation to meet modern scientific demands, the OLCF is implementing a unified set of APIs that enable programmatic access to the OLCF’s computational and data resources. The OLCF Facility API supports classical HPC workloads involving the analysis and/or reduction of static datasets, and workloads falling into the two broad-class IRI Science Patterns outlined in the DOE's IRI ABA Report applicable to this project:

Time-sensitive workloads requiring highly reliable, real time or near-real time performance for active decision making, experiment steering, and/or experiment calibration. Data integration–intensive workloads requiring the combination and analysis of data from a mix of experiments, sensors, and/or other computational runs, possibly in real time.

Within the Facility API, we aim to develop a range of interfaces that can be consumed together in code to realize all common configurations of leadership-scale scientific workfloads. In this poster, we demonstrate our work-in-progress experiences in building Compute, Status, Environment, and Stream Management APIs across core OLCF resources, and discuss the architecture, security, and usability challenges of each.

Most research projects today involve the development of some research software. Therefore, it has become more important than ever to make research software reusable to enhance transparency, prevent duplicate efforts, and ultimately increase the pace of discoveries. The Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable (FAIR) Principles for Research Software (or FAIR4RS Principles) provide a general framework for achieving that. Just like the original FAIR Principles, the FAIR4RS Principles are as designed to be aspirational and do not provide actionable instructions. To make their implementation easy, we established the FAIR Biomedical Research Software (FAIR-BioRS) guidelines, which are minimal, actionable, and step-by-step guidelines that biomedical researchers can follow to make their research software compliant with the FAIR4RS Principles. While they are designed to be easy to follow, we learned that the FAIR-BioRS guidelines can still be time-consuming to implement, especially for researchers without formal software development training. They are also prone to user errors as they require several actions with each new version release of a software.

To address this challenge, we are developing codefair, a free and open-source GitHub app that acts as a personal assistant for making research software FAIR in line with the FAIR-BioRS guidelines. The objective of codefair is to minimize developers’ time and effort in making their software FAIR so they can focus on the primary goals of their software. To use codefair, developers only need to install it from the GitHub marketplace. By leveraging tools such as Probot and GitHub API, codefair monitors activities on the software repository and communicates with the developers via a GitHub issue “dashboard” that lists issues related to FAIR-compliance (updated with each new commit). For each issue, there is a link that takes the developer to the codefair user interface (built with Nuxt, Naive UI and Tailwind) where they can better understand the issue, address it through an intuitive interface, and submit a pull request automatically with necessary changes to address the related issue. Currently, codefair is in the early stages of development and helps with including essential metadata elements such as a license file, a CITATION.cff metadata file, and a codemeta.json metadata file. Additional features are being added to provide support for complying with language-specific standards and best coding practices, archiving on Zenodo and Software Heritage, registering on, and much more to cover all the requirements for making software FAIR.

In this poster, we will highlight the current features of codefair, discuss upcoming features, explain how the community can benefit from it, and also contribute to it. We believe codefair is an essential and impactful tool for enabling software curation at scale and turning FAIR software into reality. The application of codefair is not limited to just making biomedical research software FAIR as it can be extended to other fields and also provide support for software management aspects outside of the FAIR Principles, such as software quality and security. We believe this work is fully aligned with the US-RSE’24 topic of “Software engineering approaches supporting research”. The conference participants will benefit greatly from this poster as they will learn about a tool that can enhance their software development practices. We will similarly benefit as we are looking for community awareness and contribution in the development of codefair, which is not currently supported through any funding but is the result of the authors aim to reduce the burden of making software FAIR on fellow developers.

Nowadays, a lot of decision-making occurs through email communication and online meetings. A project plan might change over time and the final deliverable might look different than what was planned during the starting phase of the project. These changes might be a result of multiple events which lead to different decisions and plans. Post-project retrospectives often require understanding the guiding factors behind these decisions, the timing of each decision, and the events that triggered them. This involves a time-based analysis of internal documents, email communications, meeting notes, and other data points pertaining to the project.

We explore a time-based retrieval approach for RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation) to detect events from extensive textual knowledge bases. RAG enhances the accuracy and reliability of LLM (Large Language Model)-generated responses by fetching facts from external sources. Unlike traditional LLMs, which rely solely on pre-existing knowledge, RAG incorporates an information retrieval component that pulls relevant data from external sources based on the user query. This new information, combined with the LLM's training data, results in more accurate responses. A simple retrieval approach retrieves data that are most semantically similar to a given user query. Our approach retrieves data that are semantically similar and relevant to a specific time frame, performing time filtering before semantic similarity matching.

We used Qdrant for our knowledge store and LangChain framework to implement document ingestion, prompt management, and RAG. The knowledge store included emails, internal documents, meeting transcripts, and in-depth interviews of team members. After some data cleaning, the email data was divided into weeks (“week 1” to “week 100”) to track weekly changes. To track the decision changes and events, we used a chained RAG approach, wherein RAG was first applied to “week 1” and the responses were used as context for RAG with a filter for “week 2”. To classify the events and to extract the entities from the events, we use Marvin. In this poster, we will present the architecture used to track events from email data leveraging time-based retrieval for RAG.

Software developers face increasing complexity in computational models, computer architectures, and emerging workflows. In this environment Research Software Engineers need to continually improve software practices and constantly hone their craft. To address this need, the Better Scientific Software (BSSw) Fellowship Program launched in 2018 to seed a community of like-minded individuals interested in improving all aspects of the work of software development. To this aim, the BSSw Fellowship Program fosters and promotes practices, processes, and tools to improve developer productivity and software sustainability.

Our community of BSSw Fellowship alums serve as leaders, mentors, and consultants, thereby increasing the visibility of all those involved in research software production and sustainability in the pursuit of discovery. This poster will present the BSSw Fellowship (BSSwF) Program, briefly discussing our successes in developing a community around software development practices. We will highlight the work of recent fellowship awardees and honorable mentions, particularly those in attendance at US-RSE’24. As many in the BSSwF community identify as RSEs, and BSSwF projects are of particular relevance, this forum will serve to amplify the connections between our communities.

The BSSw Fellowship Program has seen much success through various projects, such as tutorials, webinars and education materials. Fellows typically focus on creating content for scientific or minority communities that they are already a part of. Topic areas include, but are not limited to:

Essential Collaborative Skills for Contributing to Open-Source Software Maintaining Multi-project Continuous Integration/Development (CI/CD) Guidelines for Getting Better MPI Performance Collaborative Learning in Scientific Software Development Reproducibility in Scientific Software A Software Gardening Almanac: Applied Guidance and Tools for Sustainable Software Development and Maintenance

Projects completed by Fellows are collected through blog articles, links and other content curated at the website. In this way, their work forms a growing compendium of information easily accessible to the wider computing community.

The Department of Energy Systems Biology Knowledgebase (KBase) explores novel machine learning and natural language processing (ML/NLP) use-cases in the biological domain. Due to the scale, complexity, and non-uniformity of the data within the KBase platform, existing ML/NLP pipelines must be adjusted to meet these challenges. This work will detail several of these concerns and solutions in the context of biological research in DOE-centric scientific focus areas that are likely shared by many domains outside of biology.

While mining training data from numerous and diverse sources is a common first step in ML projects, mixed data sources can complicate the interpretation of the results. In particular, KBase has developed a model for classifying annotated metagenomes with the environment from which they were extracted using gradient-boosted decision trees (Catboost1). This model was trained on the MGnify dataset, a complex data source comprising many different sources of annotations, including taxonomic labels, protein domain and full-length functional annotations using Gene Ontology2,3 and InterPro4 annotations. Deriving a meaningful interpretation of the data relies on downstream analysis after model training and evaluation, such as permutation and feature importance analysis.

Results from NLP classification tasks, including those of biological relevance, are often improved by augmenting input with domain-specific context (RAG5, etc.). This requirement can preclude the use of models with small context windows. The size of the model also directs a lab’s ability to use it, as very large models may require prohibitively expensive pre-training or fine-tuning. In our work, we explore the results of using different models with varying context window sizes and their ability to improve classification metrics for NLP models trained for genetic tool development and biomanufacturing tasks.

Sampling bias may occur as a result of slight variations in experimental protocols and data sources. These issues impact a model’s ability to generalize to data on which it was not trained. In biological applications, like phenotype classification, these variations can impact the predictive performance for out-of-clade predictions by machine learning classifiers6. Addressing these effects calls for innovative sampling techniques that extend beyond basic random and stratified splitting. We are developing a sampling technique based on the similarity of the most important and predictive features that use phenotypic similarity as a proxy.

While issues in developing a useful ML pipeline or NLP model are shared across many domains, the exact means of mitigating is field-dependent. KBase’s research, focusing on biological applications, is also subject to these issues, often requiring insight into the biological domain to guide model result improvement.

We propose to develop methods for certifying Machine Learning (ML) models by optimizing multiple trust and decision objectives. By combining measures of trustworthiness with domain- specific decision objectives, we aim to establish the criteria necessary to meet exacting standards for high-consequence applications of ML in support of national security priorities. In accordance with Executive Order-14110, our objective is to promote the safe, secure, and trustworthy development and use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) by delivering a generalizable process that can readily inform ML certification.

Current credibility assessments for ML are developer-focused, application-specific, and limited to uncertainty quantification (UQ) and validation, which are necessary but insufficient for certification. Whereas ML developers are primarily concerned with various measurements of model accuracy, non-ML- expert stakeholders are concerned with real-world quantities such as risk, or safety; this suggests that a more holistic technical basis is needed. With multiple objectives, decisions may only be Pareto-optimal: no objective can be improved without making another worse. Designing certification processes with multi-objective design optimization allows for the balancing of requirements for specific applications.

The absence of evidence-based, generalizable approaches to certification restricts our ability to develop and deploy credible, mature ML models. To address this gap, we will operationalize AI risk-frameworks, such as the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s Risk Management Framework, by synthesizing important Trustworthy AI capabilities such as robustness testing and anomaly detection. To validate and refine our approach, we will engage in collaborative case studies applying our tools to real-world datasets and scenarios while gathering feedback to ensure their effectiveness and usability.

Our primary research goal is to develop a process for designing certifications for trustworthiness of ML, particularly in high-consequence applications. Drawing inspiration from the multi-tiered approach of software testing, which encompasses unit to integration tests, our strategy involves assessing trustworthiness throughout the ML development lifecycle and conducting system-level evaluations of non-functional properties such as safety, fairness, and privacy.

If successful, our research will position ML to fulfill the requirements of high-consequence domains, as evidenced by a measurable improvement in the reliability properties of our exemplar models.

The Ecosystem Demography Biosphere Model (ED2) is an open-source, comprehensive terrestrial biosphere model that integrates hydrology, land-surface biophysics, vegetation dynamics, and carbon biogeochemistry. Since its inception in 2001, researchers have utilized this model to examine a variety of tropical and temperate ecosystems over years. ED2 presents challenges to new users due to its implementation in Fortran 90 with required HDF5 libraries, necessitating specific prior knowledge. Additionally, running the model over extended periods demands substantial computational resources, complicating deployment across various computing platforms. High Performance Computing (HPC) cluster usage requires prior knowledge about clusters and a learning curve for job submission. To lower these barriers for the broader ecological community, we implemented a Singularity-based containerization of ED2 and developed a Jupyter Notebook to simplify job submissions to HPC clusters.

The containerized version of ED2 can be easily deployed on various High-Performance Computing (HPC) platforms. This container includes the ED2 binary and all necessary libraries, removing the need for additional installations and allowing the capability to "run everywhere." Additionally, the Jupyter notebooks enable users to seamlessly modify model configurations and run the model on both local machines and different HPC clusters. This approach simplifies the process of communicating with the HPC cluster and managing slurm jobs. The notebook also includes features for frequently checking the status of ongoing jobs on the HPC cluster and transferring the output back to the local machine. We have created basic demo visualizations of the output, allowing users to further visualize their results using Python or R as they prefer.

We ran the containerized ED2 model running on the University of Illinois Campus Cluster, TEXAS Stampede clusters and NCSA Delta, analyzing 20 years of model simulations over multiple sites in tropical and temperate ecosystems. We are working towards testing and adding the configuration to run on additional clusters (such as the NASA HEC system). We have held a workshop at the ED2 community meeting at Harvard in 2024 where the ED2 community showed significant interest in the combination of notebooks and containers.

Domain research, particularly in the life sciences, has become increasingly complex due to the diversity of types and amounts of data concomitantly with the associated analytical methods and software. Simultaneously, researchers must consider the trustworthiness of the software tools they use with the highest regard. As with any new physical laboratory technique, researchers should test and assess any software they use in the context of their planned research objectives.

As examples, bioinformatics software developers and contributors to community platforms that host a variety of domain-specific tools, such as KBase (the DOE Systems Biology Knowledgebase) and Galaxy, should design their tools with consideration for how users can assess and validate the correctness of their applications before opening their applications up to the community.

More attention should be placed on ensuring that computational tools offer robust platforms for comparing experimental results and data across diverse studies. Many domain tools suffer from inadequate documentation, limited extensibility, and varying degrees of accuracy in data representation. This lack of standardization in biological research, in particular, diminishes the potential for groundbreaking insights and discoveries while also complicating domain scientists' ability to experiment, compare findings, and confidently trust results across different studies.

Through several examples of tools in the biology domain, we demonstrate the issues that can arise in these types of community-built domain-specific applications. Despite their open-source nature, we note issues related to transparency and accessibility resulting in unexpected behaviors that required direct engagement with developers to resolve. This experience underscores the importance of deeper openness and clarity in scientific software to ensure robustness and reliability in computational analyses.

Finally, we share several lessons learned that extend to research software in general and discuss suggestions for the community.

Waggle/Sage cyberinfrastructure empowers researchers to deploy software-defined instrumentation at the edge, enabling real-time computation and AI inferencing for a wide range of applications. These applications include the studies of: wildlife populations, urban flooding and traffic flow, the impacts of climate change, wildfire prediction, and more. In this poster, we'll focus on some of the web-based (TypeScript) data visualization and analysis tools available for scientists and developers. These visualization components can be used for monitoring jobs, performance, and resource utilization across nodes; the inspection and validation of data and inferences; and, finally, ensuring the reliability and stability of hardware and software across the platform.

Many articles and discussions regarding the growth of Research Software Engineering (RSE) have focused on the importance of the field for supporting large-scale efforts with long-term support needs. That is rightly so, and yet it is important not to overlook building up RSE in our institutions as a vital resource for smaller projects with short-term needs, as well. As a cyberinfrastructure (CI) facilitator in the Cross-Institutional Research Engagement Network (CIREN;, a program for training and professional development of CI facilitators, including RSEs, I worked on a facilitation and RSE project with an ASU investigator using publicly available data from TCGA (the Cancer Genome Atlas). This project required some data wrangling (to make it readily usable) and a pilot analysis to assess the utility of using TCGA datasets to answer the particular research question at hand. While the investigator and some lab members had the requisite skills to do this work, they did not have sufficient capacity. On the other hand, there were undergraduate students interested in pursuing the research question, but they did not yet have a sufficient level of skill, having just completed an introductory undergraduate course to bioinformatic analysis in R. Thus, I, as an RSE, was able to bridge the needs gap and develop a pipeline that the undergraduate students could use to pursue the research question, facilitating their participation in research by lowering the barrier to entry. Additionally, and importantly to the goals of CIREN, this project also provided the CI facilitator (myself) an opportunity to build professional skills with the assistance of a mentor, such as negotiating a workplan with the primary researcher to set out clear shared expectations. This example helps to illustrate the advantages of engaging with smaller projects for developing the professional skills of RSEs, and CI professionals more broadly, as well as highlight the value of CI professionals for supporting abundant smaller-scale research software needs on university campuses.

This work was supported by the Cross-Institutional Research Engagement Network for cyberinfrastructure (CI) facilitators (CIREN) NSF Award #2230108. I would also like to acknowledge and thank ASU Professor Melissa Wilson for giving me the opportunity to work on this project in support of her research.

Software testing for open-sourced projects is a problem that is prevalent throughout the entire software development industry. This problem has been tackled by many different programs such as Jenkins, Travis CI, or Semaphore. However, these solutions are not adequate when the software tests must be performed on hardware that is attractive to attackers, behind restrictive networks, and is shared by numerous projects and users.

Our project, AutoTester2, aims to tackle these issues and provide a way for projects to automatically test software changes from unknown developers, while ensuring the security and reliability of the targeted hardware. This is done using ephemeral GitHub Self-hosted runners, custom environment containers, and linux systemd services.

The Journal of Open Source Software (JOSS) is an academic journal (ISSN 2475-9066) that publishes short articles describing open source software with a research application. The review process includes checking that the software itself meets some modern standards, including having documentation, tests (preferably automated), and community guidelines. This way, JOSS aims to give software creators a citable artefact through which their research contribution can be recognised, and to encourage them to use good software practice.

To address the lack of software development and engineering training for intermediate and advanced developers of research software, we present the NSF-sponsored INnovative Training Enabled by a Research Software Engineering Community of Trainers (INTERSECT), which delivers software development and engineering training to intermediate and advanced developers of research software. INTERSECT has three main goals:

  1. Develop an open-source modular training framework conducive to community contribution
  2. Deliver RSE-led research software engineering training targeting research software developers
  3. Grow and deepen the connections within the national community of Research Software Engineers

The majority of INTERSECT's funded focus is on activities surrounding the development and delivery of higher-level specialized research software engineering training.

In July 2023, we held our first INTERSECT-sponsored Research Software Engineering Bootcamp ( at Princeton University. The bootcamp included 35 participants from a broad range of US-based institutions representing a diverse set of research domains. The 4.5-day bootcamp consisted of a series of stand-alone hands-on training modules. We designed the modules to be related, but not to rely on successful completion or understanding of previous modules. The primary goal of this design was to allow others to use the modules as needed (either as instructors or as self-guided learners) without having to participate in the entire bootcamp.

The topics covered in the bootcamp modules were: Software Design, Packaging and Distribution, Working Collaboratively, Collaborative Git, Issue Tracking, Making Good Pull Requests, Documentation, Project Management, Licensing, Code Review & Pair Programming, Software Testing, and Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment.

We are organizing a second INTERSECT bootcamp in July 2024. We expect to again have approximately 35 attendees from a wide range of institutions covering a diverse set of research areas. Because the format and content of the first bootcamp was well-received, we plan to follow a very similar format for the second workshop.

In this poster we will provide an overview of the INTERSECT project. We will provide more details on the content of the bootcamp. We will discuss outcomes of both editions of the bootcamp, including curriculum specifics, lessons learned, participant survey results, and long term objectives. We will also describe how people can get involved as contributors or participants.

Research software today plays an integral role in the practice of science, and as the complexity and wide-ranging impact of that software continues to grow, so too do concerns about software security. In industry, much attention has been paid to the concept of "shifting security left,” that is, considering security earlier in the software development life cycle (SDLC) rather than at the end. Developers —RSEs included— are non-experts in security, and a major aim of shifting security left is to introduce security-enhancing practices that fit into ordinary developers' workflows. Case in point, threat modeling is a security activity that identifies weaknesses and vulnerabilities during software design that serves as the foundation for the security life cycle. Compared to more complex security activities, threat modeling can be performed by non-security experts if given the proper guidance and support.

In the RSE space, security resources are limited and typically focused on more complex security issues. With the proper resources, we propose that RSEs can perform threat modeling with minimal extra effort, thus alleviating pressure on existing security resources and increasing the overall security posture of the team and organization. This poster presents the findings of a rapid literature review on the applicability of threat modeling techniques during the software development lifecycle.

We performed a review of the relevant evidence, combining gray and peer-reviewed sources, focusing on 22 high-quality works. Given that RSEs are underrepresented in the software engineering literature, we analyzed available evidence on threat modeling in conventional software development and made a preliminary assessment of the transferability of those findings to RSE contexts. In our review, we answered the following research questions:

  1. How is threat modeling incorporated into the development process?
  2. How is the security impact of threat modeling during the software development process measured?
  3. What is the definition of threat modeling when performed during the software development process?
  4. What challenges do software developers face when threat modeling during the software development
  5. process?
  6. How effective is threat modeling when performed during software development by non-experts in security?
  7. The findings of this review will be used to develop a quick reference guide and educational workshop for RSEs to support their threat modeling efforts. This poster allows RSEs to learn more about threat modeling and our work. We invite participants to provide feedback to guide our future work.

The Scientific Software Engineering Center (SSEC) at the University of Washington’s eScience Institute works with researchers across various disciplines to build robust software that bolsters inquiry and builds community. The resulting tools are open source, maintainable and reusable, designed to sustain and lead to scientific breakthroughs.

The poster we propose to present would highlight not just our model of engaging as software engineers with the research community, but also highlight several of our successfully graduated projects, spanning diverse research domains from neurobiology to seismology to conservation efforts and beyond.

By demonstrating prior successes and discussing how we achieve them, we hope to spark conversations about our approach to supporting researchers and show an interesting approach to research software engineering.

The U.S. Department of Energy Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research (ASCR) has launched a new initiative called the Next-Generation Scientific Software Technologies (NGSST) program for scientific software stewardship which is the first of its kind for the office. Under this initiative, several software stewardship organizations (SSOs) have been funded and a couple are waiting in the wings. These include COLABS, CORSA, PESO, S4PST, STEP, and SWAS, together with the FASTMath and RAPIDS SciDAC Institutes. The SSOs are in the process of standing up a "Consortium for the Advancement of Scientific Software” (CASS) with the mission of stewarding and advancing the current and future ecosystem of scientific computing software, including products developed or enhanced as part of the Exascale Computing Project (ECP) Software Technologies.

One of the SSOs in CASS, COLABS is tasked with activities that are of direct interest to US-RSE such as building a community of practice for RSEs engaged in software-related activities at the national laboratories. Additional activities of common interest include training and workforce development. These activities include the determination of skills needed to create and maintain high-quality software that is well tested and carefully stewarded throughout its lifecycle, curating available training resources and creating new resources where none exist, understanding and formulating pathways for training that not only prepare the workforce for the task at hand but also expand the recruitment pool by enabling training modules to fill the gap in skills where needed.

In this poster, we will explain the motivation and vision for NGSST and CASS, and also the role that CASS would play in the broader scientific software community. We will also describe our vision for how CASS in general and COLABS, in particular, will conduct activities related to their mission, and how they will engage with US-RSE in these activities.

Research software requires flexible and modular architectures to accommodate rapid evolution and interdisciplinary collaboration. Software architectures are fundamental to the development of technically sustainable software systems as they are the primary carrier of architecturally significant requirements, such as extensibility and maintainability, and influence how developers are able to understand, analyse and test a software system. Hence, research software engineering should focus on architectural metrics to evaluate and improve their code. Architectural metrics in research software ensure the software's scalability, performance, maintainability, and overall quality, facilitating reproducible and reliable research outcomes. We already have many metrics and tools to measure and improve the quality of software architecture. However, we hypothesize that research software is often built using limited resources and without a long-term vision for maintainability, which leads to a range of rotten symptoms, including software rigidity, fragility, immobility, and viscosity, which results in high-maintenance and evolution costs, which are the foundation for software decay and death in all software investment.

In a recent Dagstuhl seminar, we, the authors (consisting of software engineers, software engineering researchers, and research software engineers), discussed key software metrics such as code smells, duplication, test coverage, cyclomatic complexity, etc., and how these can be used to improve research software. We explored our hypothesis by applying existing static analysis tools to a few open-source research software repositories. We discovered high cyclomatic complexity, large God classes, cyclic dependencies, improper inheritance, modularity violations, propagation error-prone and change-prone issues, and low test coverage, which confirmed non-trivial maintenance and evolution costs. We concluded that we should explore this idea further and that there may be an opportunity to build better tools and techniques to help research software engineers improve the architecture of their software, which in turn can improve its quality.

In this poster presentation, we will demonstrate the critical role of software architecture in ensuring software quality. We will explore its importance for research software and how it can significantly enhance the quality of these systems. Research software can become more maintainable, scalable, and reliable by adopting software architecture principles. We will illustrate the tangible benefits and practical applications of adopting robust software architecture principles through detailed example analyses of real research software projects. Attendees will gain insights into best practices and strategies for integrating architectural frameworks into their research software development processes.

Our goal is to spread appropriate software architecture knowledge among research software engineers, highlighting its transformative impact on research outcomes and the sustainability of software projects. By adopting these principles, research teams can ensure their software is better equipped to handle future challenges, fostering innovation and collaboration in the research software community.

For many people who identify themselves as one, the term "Research Software Engineer” (RSE) often feels, almost paradoxically, both immediately recognizable and hard to define at the same time. Most if not all of the common definitions share a sense of RSEs as existing "somewhere in the middle” between research and software engineering. If we imagine a 1-dimensional axis with "pure researcher” on one end and "pure software engineer” on the other, classifying any of the countless RSE flavors [*] would only be a matter of finding the right set of points along this axis. However, while this model is generally successful in representing the core aspect of the RSE role, its limitations become apparent when examined more closely. How should such "RSE coordinates” be chosen? Can a quantitative, or at least clearly defined, set of categories be defined at all? Are the "researcher” and "software engineer” really so distinct and unambiguously mutually exclusive that they can be used as opposite ends of a spectrum? Can the complexity of the RSE-space be captured to a useful degree by a single dimension? When does one cross from one polar end of the spectrum to an RSE? Can one exist in multiple dimensions?

We believe that beyond the abstract intellectual curiosity driving the desire for more effective RSE taxonomies, these limitations also lead to concrete challenges for the inclusiveness of our community, as people who don't see themselves as fitting neatly within these restrictive boundaries might interpret the existing definitions (consciously or subconsciously) as a sign that they don't belong in it. Our poster will be centered around exploring the limitations of the "research vs software engineering” spectrum described above, and what possible alternatives might be used instead, building on a multi-year ongoing interest in this question, including participation in a recent Dagstuhl seminar bringing together RSEs and software engineering researchers (SERs)[1], as well as personal experiences from ourselves, collaborators, and professional networks.

[*] RSE flavors: There exist many flavors of interests tangent to RSEs either actively involved in the community or should be such as: software engineering, research in software engineering, RSE research, training & education, funding, community building, and user experience. Simultaneously, there are many flavors within RSEs such as team size, team dynamics (single RSE to many RSEs), job titles, phase of software developed (prototype to production), research domain (fixed or variable).