Notebook Submissions Tutorial
Published: Mar 17, 2023
As this is our first year accepting notebook submissions, we anticipate this being a productive session with lots of Q&A. This session will be recorded for reference.
Date: April 7, 2023
Time: 3:00 PM EDT, 2:00 PM CDT, 1:00 PM MDT, 12:00 PM MST, 12:00 PM PDT
Submission of computational notebooks are due Monday, May 1, 2023. To account for the broad variety of use cases for notebooks, we are accepting submissions in three categories, which were described in detail in the March 2023 Community Call. and are available on the Notebooks Submissions page. Submitters should use our Jupyter and R Notebook templates to submit. In order to improve the clarity of our expectations, we are hosting a tutorial session. We will…
- briefly review the different submission types
- explain how to select and copy the appropriate template for your language and usecase
- walk through the technical details of using our templates to submit a notebook
- give a quick overview of the peer review process