Call for Reviewer Volunteers
Published: Apr 20, 2023
We are looking for volunteers to be program committee members to assist in the reviewing process. If you are interested in becoming a reviewer, please fill out the Program Committee Interest Form by May 1, 2023.
Each reviewer will be assigned no more than 2 to 4 submissions total (depending on submission type) with about one month time to complete the reviews.
- As a reviewer you agree to follow the US-RSE Code of Conduct.
- We will send out more specific review instructions per submission type after reviewer selection. The reviewer guidelines from SciPy are a good reference to begin with.
- To increase transparency and openness, we are encouraging the use of signed
reviews as part of our review process.
- If you agree to provide a signed review, your name will be visible to authors along with your review feedback. Signed reviews have an overwhelming positive effect on the overall quality of scientific work!
Please reach out to the organizers with any questions or concerns: