
Call for Submissions

We invite submissions for USRSE’25, the third annual conference from the United States Research Software Engineer Association (US-RSE), to be held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, October 6-8, 2025.

This year’s conference theme is “Code, Practices, and People.” Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Code: Share your software with the community
    • Research software applications
    • Impact of software on research
    • Software and application design
    • Code assist tools, templates, and frameworks
  • Practices: Discuss how RSEs code and how they can code better
    • Open source development
    • Secure research software
    • Best practices for research software engineering
    • Making research software sustainable
    • Creating reproducible code
  • People: Support the development of the RSE community
    • Leadership and management of RSE teams
    • Training and workforce development
    • Accessibility and belonging for RSEs
    • Efforts to expand the RSE movement
    • Impact of RSEs
    • Collaboration between RSEs and researchers

Accepted abstracts will be placed on the website ahead of the conference.

Important Dates

Submissions now open on EasyChair

Everything except Posters:

  • Submissions due: Friday, May 2, 2025
  • Notifications sent by: July 14, 2025


  • Submissions due: July 20, 2025
  • Notifications sent by: August 15, 2025

Submission Types

USRSE’25 is looking for three main types of submissions:

  • Participatory sessions:
    • Birds of a Feather (BoFs): discussion-focused sessions led by the session organizers
    • Workshops: teaching-focused sessions where participants learn a new skill through hands-on exercises
  • Short talks: we accept several submission types for those looking to give a short presentation during the conference
    • Papers: write and submit an original paper
    • Talk abstracts: oral presentation based on a 1-page (maximum) abstract (slides not needed at submission deadline)
    • Notebooks: create a computational notebook to share your work
  • Posters: share your work through one-on-one conversations during our poster session reception

Submission Details

Session times noted in the descriptions are subject to change pending finalization of the conference program.

Birds of a Feather (BoFs)

Birds of a Feather sessions are an opportunity to discuss a topic of shared interest to the RSE community. Successful submissions should appeal to a quarter to a half of conference attendees. BoFs may be organized as a structured discussion with participants, a panel, or a question and answer session. BoF abstracts/descriptions are not included in the conference proceedings. BoF sessions are 75-90 minutes. BoF submission template.


This year, workshops (aka Tutorials) will take place in person at the conference. Workshops should teach the participants a new skill and include exercises or other active learning components. Both technical and professional skills workshops are welcome. Workshop abstracts/descriptions are not included in the conference proceedings. Workshop sessions are 90 minutes. Workshop submission template.


Paper submissions must be original work not published elsewhere. Papers may be up to 10 pages in length, including figures, not counting references. Submissions should adhere to the IEEE format in US letter size as a PDF file. Papers will be published via Zenodo. Paper authors will likely have an opportunity to submit their paper to a special journal issue for publication after the conference. Accepted papers will have approximately 15 minutes to present their work during the conference.


Talks on all topics of interest to the conference are encouraged. Talk proposals sharing work published elsewhere are permitted. Talk abstracts and presentation slides will be included in the conference proceedings on Zenodo. Accepted talks will have approximately 15 minutes to present their work during the conference. Talk submission template.


Notebooks are a way to share your code or analysis directly with the community. Computational notebooks should include discussion along with the code and analysis. To account for the broad variety of use cases for notebooks, we are accepting submissions in three categories (Jupyter, Shiny, Voila) via an online repository; further details coming soon. Notebooks will be included in the conference proceedings on Zenodo. Accepted notebooks will have approximately 15 minutes to present their work during the conference. Notebook submission instructions.


Posters are a chance to discuss your work with the community during an evening reception. Both typical academic posters and less traditional poster formats are encouraged. Papers, talks, and notebooks that are not accepted may be resubmitted as posters using the poster submission template. Poster size constraints will be announced to accepted posters. Posters may be submitted for optional inclusion in the conference proceedings. Poster submission template.

For the usage of AI-Generated Text/Large language model (LLM) usage, refer to the “Guidelines for Artificial Intelligence (AI)-Generated Text” section in IEEE Submission and Peer Review Policies.


All submissions are peer-reviewed for quality, relevance, and novelty, which will determine acceptance. Reviewers are expected to provide constructive feedback and maintain confidentiality and fairness throughout the review process. The final decision will be based on reviewer recommendations and program committee deliberations.

You can volunteer as a reviewer by filling out this form. The Reviewers’ guide will be passed to reviewers for reference.


All submissions except posters are due Friday, May 2, 2025 (anywhere on Earth).

Poster submissions are due July 20, 2025 (anywhere on Earth).

Notifications for submissions other than posters will be sent by July 14, 2025. Poster notifications will be sent by August 15, 2025.

Accepted abstracts/descriptions will be published in the conference program.

Submit Here