Software-Enabled Discovery and Beyond
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But what is an RSE?
We like an inclusive definition of Research Software Engineers (RSEs) to encompass those who regularly use expertise in programming to advance research. This includes researchers who spend a significant amount of time programming, full-time software engineers writing code to solve research problems, and those somewhere in-between. We aspire to apply the skills and practices of software development to research to create more robust, manageable, and sustainable research software. Read more on the US-RSE website.
The theme of this year’s conference will be "Software-Enabled Discovery and Beyond." As such, topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
- Discovery enabled by software
- Architectures, frameworks, libraries, and technology trends
- Research data management
- Support for scalability and data-driven methods
- Improving the reproducibility of research
- Usability, portals, workflows, and tools
- Sustainability, security, and stability
- Software engineering approaches supporting research
- Community engagement
- Diversity, Equity and Inclusion for RSEs and in RSEng
- Training and workforce development
- Building an RSE profession
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Important Dates
- Tutorials: October 2-13, 2023, Virtual
- Conference Date: October 16-18, 2023, Chicago, IL
Have questions?
Contact the organizers at usrsecon2023@easychair.org.
Conference News & Updates
The Zoom registration information has been posted on the Program page
for the Keynote Speakers and the Funder Panel. All are welcome to attend (for FREE!),
but registration is required.
Special Issue Announced
We are pleased to announce that we will have a special issue
“Research Software Engineering – Software-Enabled Discovery and Beyond” in
Future Generation Computer Systems!
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COVID Policy Update
Due to the influx of COVID cases in the Chicago area, we will be applying a mask
mandate for conference attendees. While in official conference events,
masks must be worn at all times, excluding those who have a documented
medical reason and during active eating and drinking. Repeat offenders may be
asked to leave the conference area.
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Keynote Speeches Announced
Volunteers Needed!
US-RSE’23 is looking for volunteers to help us in-person at the conference!
Volunteers are needed to serve in up to 2 hour blocks for a variety of tasks.
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