Adding Events
Adding Events
You can add an event or training to the site by adding a markdown file in the _events folder, organized by year.
Events are displayed at
You can use the add an event form instead if you don’t know how to submit a PR.
Naming the File
Do NOT use the full date (e.g. YYYY-MM-DD-<event-name>.md
) in the file name,
Jekyll will not post pages that it interprets to have a future date in the filename. Use a partial date (e.g. YYYY-MM-<event-name>.md
or YYYY-<event-name>.md
Header information
Here is an example of a file in _events/2019
for PEARC19:
title: PEARC19
location: Chicago, IL
expires: 2019-08-01
duration: 45
category: workshop
event_date: "July 29, 2019"
layout: event
repeated: false
- - start: 2019-07-29T21:15:00Z
end: 2019-07-29T22:00:00Z
Join us at [PEARC19]( for a Birds of a Feather (BOF) session "Building a Community of Research Software Engineers." Our session is scheduled for 5:15 PM on Monday, July 29.
: Keep it brief to display at the top of the event cardlocation
: optional, can leave blank for online eventsexpires
: usually the day of the event, YYY-MM-DDduration
: time in minutes, used for calendar export; defaults to 60category
: see _data/events.yaml - use the tag (e.g. dei, virtual-workshop), name is the display name on the page for the tagevent_date
: display text for the date, specific format not required (not displayed in all contexts, so don’t rely on it)layout
: “event”repeated
: true or falsetime
: the format is very specific; time is represented in ISO 8601 format, based on UTC timezone. You can use a Timezone converter to assist with this.
In the bottom section (the content), you can write any amount and length of markdown that is desired. When the event is active (before expiration) the full content will be shown on the “Events and Training” page. Once it expires, it will move into the events archive. In both cases, clicking on the Event will take the viewer to its page, and they can view additional content and the URL provided. In the case of the archive, the bulk of content is only viewable on this page.
It’s helpful to write out a listing of timezones in the content, e.g.,:
The next community call will be on August 12, 2021 at 12ET/11CT/10MT/9PT.
Troubleshooting/Special Cases
Why isn’t my event showing up?
Check the file name. If you use a full date in the markdown file name (e.g. YYYY-MM-DD-
How do I add an all-day event?
All-day events render as a solid block (strip) on the calendar, and you can use similar syntax to the above but add all_day: true
You don’t need to include an end time, but you do need to include a “start” with a date. Here is an example:
title: An Annual Event
event_date: "October 14, 2021"
layout: event
repeated: true
category: virtual-workshop
all_day: true
- - start: 2021-10-14
Here is information about my annual event!
If you need it to span multiple days, add multiple starts.
- - start: 2021-10-14
- - start: 2021-10-15
What is a repeated event?
You’ll notice that there is a folder called “repeated” in the events folder:
$ ls _events/
2019 2020 2021 repeated
A repeated event is one that happens weekly, monthly, or on a regularly scheduled basis that typically does not change, meaning that you wouldn’t need to update the post. A weekly call that has a description and a consistent link to an agenda would be appropriate, while the same call that varies in schedule or requires an updated description would not qualify. An annual event, or one that would require a different description, would not be repeated, and should be placed in a folder named by date. As an example, here is a yearly event that happens on the same month and day:
title: International RSE Day
event_date: "October 14, 2021"
layout: event
category: virtual-workshop
all_day: true
# Repeated events metadata
repeated: true
interval: 1
frequency: "yearly"
date_start: "2021-10-14"
until: 2030-10-14
- - start: "2021-10-14"
Note that this format is recommended only for easy repetitions. Also note that not all rrule fields are rendered to the template, so you should check the calendar.html template to see what is supported (view source) or the _includes/events/event.js for the logic. If you need to, for example, “repeat on the first Tuesday of every month”, you should use an rdate string instead. Here is an example:
layout: event
- - start: 2021-01-04
# Repeated events information
repeated: true
# use an rdate string instead (best for complex repeated events)
# note that the dtstart and rdate at the end are the same
- DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20210104T113000
# first tuesday of every month
- RDATE;TZID=America/New_York:20191014T153000
The formatting of the lines above is essential - even putting them out of order or exchanging a semicolon can lead to the entire interface breaking.
To derive your string, you can play around with the plugin that we use to generate this here.
Why isn’t my add to calendar button showing up?
Adding to the calendar isn’t currently supported for repeating events - the reason being that we can’t reliably render the repetitions in the code to generate the button. If anyone would like to work on this, please post on this issue or (better) just go for it :)