Education & Training Seminar Series

The Education and Training Seminar Series is a series of technical talks and tutorials presented by leading researchers and practitioners in the field of research software engineering. The talks cover a wide range of topics, including software development best practices, software engineering for scientific computing, and research software management. The tutorials provide hands-on instruction on how to use specific software tools and technologies. This seminar series is a great opportunity to learn about the latest advances in research software engineering and to network with other researchers and practitioners in the field. Other resources for learning about research software engineering include the US-RSE Training Resources

Title Speaker Date Type Video Supplemental Materials
Eating Your Own Dogfood (Testing Your Software Before the Scientists Break It) Jonathan Woodring
August 28, 2024 Technical Talk   Slides
Building and Running Containers on HPC Systems - A (not at all) Comprehensive Talk Subil Abraham
May 10, 2024 Technical Talk   Slides
Software Quality Practices for Reproducibility Reed Milewicz
Miranda Mundt
Sandia National Laboratories
October 12, 2023 US-RSE Conference Tutorial Video Materials
Publish your software in conda-forge Dave Clements
Valerio Maggio
October 10, 2023 US-RSE Conference Tutorial Video Materials
Introduction to Spatial Data Processing Nick Santos
University of California, Merced
October 5, 2023 US-RSE Conference Tutorial Video Materials
Using Globus Platform Services in Research Software Applications Lee Liming
Steve Turoscy
Vas Vasiliadis
University of Chicago
October 4, 2023 US-RSE Conference Tutorial Video Materials
GitHub Actions for Scientific Data Workflows Valentina Staneva
University of Washington
October 2, 2023 US-RSE Conference Tutorial Video Materials
Machine Learning for your Research Savannah Thais
Columbia University
June 22, 2023 Technical Talk Video Slides
Setting up a Scientific Software Project using GitLab – From Zero to Hero Marshall McDonnell
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
March 22, 2023 Tutorial Video Slides
Agile Project Management for Research Software Angela Herring
Los Alamos National Laboratory
October 19, 2022 Technical Talk Video Slides
Overview Paper
Retrospective Slides