September 2021 Community Call


The next community call will be on September 9, 2021 at 12ET/11CT/10MT/9PT.

This month we are hosting a call on the topic of RSE Team Member Interaction.

In small RSE teams, software developers may work independently on projects while sharing skill sets, experiences, and best practices. This month’s community call will focus on how developers within a team can effectively interact with each other and transfer knowledge and skill sets, when working on different or on multiple projects with potentially different technology stacks and requirements. Do practices from software engineering such as code reviews or pair programming work the same way they do in industry or do they need to be adjusted? What role does documentation play and what kind of documentation? And are there any strategies that could be adapted by RSEs that do not work in a software engineering team environment? As usual, we will explore these questions and more in our community call breakout sessions.

Registration details
Information on how to register for the Zoom meeting will be sent via email and posted in the #general channel on Slack.