May 2022 Community Call - Part II


RSE-domain research partnership for software sustainability (joint call with CaRCC)

The next community call will be on May 26, 2022 at 12PMET/11CT/10MT/9PT.

This month’s community call sessions will be in two parts on two different days (May 12 and May 26). These calls will be joint with friends in CaRCC and focus on topics that have come up in conversations around a new set of scientific software (aka research software engineering by some several thousands of us!) institutes. The themes center broadly on RSEs in the workforce.

The May 12 call will focus on how to create positions that attract RSE talent and creating an enticing workspace with long term career progression with appealing career arcs.

The May 26 call will focus on promoting RSE-researcher partnerships, and long-term challenges to software sustainability and support.

For both calls we are planning a brief 10-minute kick-off and Menti survey/ice-breaker questions, followed by diving into breakout groups. Notes on breakout prompt questions will hopefully be captured in a live google doc by each group. We will end with report outs, where we can all learn and share thinking on what the collective communities perspectives are around these subjects. For these two calls we are scheduling a 90-minute zoom window, in case conversations run long. We will aim to have a good portion of the call complete within an hour though for anyone who has other commitments. The joint sessions (initial presentations and the report outs) will be recorded and the contemporaneous Google doc notes will be shared with our communities.

Looking forward to seeing everyone who can make it on May 12 and/or May 26th! Happy May to all.

Registration details

Information on how to access the Zoom meeting will be sent via email and posted in the #general channel on Slack. Note - for this call we will be using the CaRCC Zoom link, not the usual UAB site.