Research Software Engineers in eScience (Workshop at eScience 2023)


This workshop is part of eScience 2023, which will be held IN-PERSON.

Research Software Engineers (RSEs) combine professional software engineering expertise with an intimate understanding of research. They are uniquely placed in the eScience ecosystem to ensure development of sustainable research environments and reproducible research outputs. However, the position of RSEs within eScience is still not fully established, with many RSEs not gaining proper recognition for their contributions and struggling to find a way to progress their careers. The theme of this workshop is sustainable RSE ecosystems, encompassing both the role of RSEs in sustainable eScience and making the RSE ecosystem itself more sustainable. We intend for this workshop to raise awareness of the concept of research software engineers and research software engineering (RSEng), as well as to provide an opportunity for RSEs and those interested in RSEng to talk about issues and solutions. Anyone involved or interested in RSEng is welcome to attend.

The first half of our workshop will consist of a series of invited talks and interactive question/answer. The second half of the program will be discussion-based breakouts. We will produce a blog post after the workshop that discusses the talks and the breakouts.

The workshop is October 11th from 09:00 - 12:30 EEST. More information can be found on the workshop website.