2022 Steering Committee Election Results
Posted on December 10, 2022
After 135 votes, the results of the 2022 Steering Committee Election are in. The four candidates elected to a two-year term are:
After 135 votes, the results of the 2022 Steering Committee Election are in. The four candidates elected to a two-year term are:
The explosion of Research Software Engineers (RSEs) in the United States created the opportunity to form communities of practice (CoP), groups that share a passion for an activity and learn how to do it better as they interact regularly, specifically to benefit their local organization or region. CoPs, however, only succeed insofar as their members feel heard, included, and valued.
Candidates for the 2022 US-RSE Steering Committee election are listed below. Four of these candidates will be elected for a two-year term starting January 2023.
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US-RSE is a community driven organization, but do you know all the groups in the community? You may have heard someone talking about a “working group,” but do you know what that means?