US-RSE February 2024 Newsletter

February 2024

Published: Feb 29, 2024

In this monthly newsletter, we share recent, current, and planned activities of the US-RSE Association, and related news that we think is of interest to US-RSE members. Newsletters are also available on our website alongside the growing resources and information on the US-RSE Association. To receive our newsletter, join US-RSE.

In this issue:

Two-year Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Grant

The generous grant by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation will provide support in three important areas: the recruitment of dedicated staff, the development of activities and initiatives, and the enhancement of organizational tools and community well-being.

  • A large part of US-RSE’s success has been due to the dedication and hard work of volunteers. While we don’t want to see the community-driven nature change, we recognize that relying on pure volunteer effort is limiting. For this reason the two new staff positions of a full-time Community Manager and a part-time Executive Director were created. We are excited that Sophia Anyatonwu started on December 11, 2023 as our Community Manager and Sandra Gesing started on November 1, 2023 as our Executive Director.
  • Three main activities and initiatives will be funded through the grant: The US-RSE Annual Conference, a Community Funds Program, and an Awards Program.
  • Developing and maintaining a vibrant and functional community network requires infrastructure. To alleviate the struggles of the current process, we’ll invest in infrastructure for managing contact information for those in the network, facilitating networking opportunities between members, allowing people to choose their level of involvement in network activities, and communicating with members.

Community and Travel Funds program

Part of the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation grant for US-RSE has been delegated for the Community and Travel Funds program. Members of US-RSE can apply for funds for community or individual purposes for event costs, get-togethers, travel funding, and more. Visit the webpage above for more details.

Community and Travel Funds Recipients – December 2023

We are pleased to announce that the Community and Travel Funds Committee will fund two applications from the December 2023 deadline!

  • Daniel S. Katz will be traveling to deRSE 2024 to present his talk titled “US-RSE: Today’s successes and tomorrow’s challenges.” He is acting as a US-RSE representative and will focus on building connections with the international RSE community.

  • Nasir Eisty will be traveling to Germany to attend the Dagstuhl Seminar – Research Software Engineering: Bridging Knowledge Gaps. Along with several other members of US-RSE, Nasir hopes to elevate the visibility of the US-RSE community as well as promote the role of RSEs in research.

Please join us in congratulating our two recipients. The next application deadline is March 31, 2024. See the Community and Travel Funds page for more details.

Community Awards program

In 2024, US-RSE is proud to unveil a new initiative aimed at honoring individuals who have significantly contributed to the Research Software Engineering community. This initiative is designed to recognize their dedication and support in furthering the mission and objectives of US-RSE.

The US-RSE Community Awards are intended for individuals actively advancing the mission of US-RSE. There are two awards available. The Excellence in Service Award acknowledges outstanding dedication to advancing the US-RSE mission. The Impact Award recognizes notable contributions and influence within the RSE profession.

For additional details on how to nominate someone, or yourself, please visit the Community Awards page. Nominations will close March 15, 2024.

If you have questions, please send them via email to or ask in the #rse-community-awards slack channel.

US-RSE Conference 2024 (US-RSE’24)

Conference Updates

Dates and Venue Announcement

Our next conference will be Tuesday, October 15 through Thursday, October 17, at the Albuquerque Convention Center in Albuquerque, NM. View the US-RSE conference website for more details and to stay up to date on upcoming events!

Technical Subcommittee Announcement

Congratulations to our wonderful US-RSE 2024 Technical subcommittee co-chairs! Please welcome them and thank them for stepping up to help us put on a great program for this year’s conference!

  • BoFs: Nasir Eisty, David Luet
  • Workshops: Elaine Raybourn, Cody Balos
  • Tutorials: Pengyin Shan, Steven Clontz
  • Papers: John Tencer, Fang Liu, Sandeep Puthanveetil Satheesan
  • Talks: Maria Patrou, Derek Wilke
  • Posters: Douglas Friedel, Vishwasrao Salunkhe
  • Notebooks: Torin White, Ludovico Bianchi, Nicole Brewer

Call for Submissions

We invite submissions for the second annual US-RSE Conference. The theme of this year’s conference is “Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow: A celebration of all that RSEs have done for computing in the past, in the present, and in the future.” Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • History of the RSE movement
  • RSE impact
  • Efforts to expand the RSE movement
  • Research data management
  • Software engineering approaches supporting research
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for RSEs and in RSEng
  • Training and workforce development
  • Maturing and expanding the RSE profession
  • Accepted abstracts will be placed on the website ahead of the conference.

Important Dates

  • Submissions open: Monday, February 12 for all but notebooks. Notebooks to open Monday, February 26.
  • BoFs, Workshops, and Tutorials: Due Friday, March 22. Notifications Friday, April 26.
  • Papers and Notebooks: Due Monday, May 20. Notifications Friday, June 28.
  • Posters and Talks: Due Monday, June 3. Notifications Wednesday, July 3.
  • Camera-ready submissions (Notebooks, Papers): Friday, August 9

Call for Reviewers

We are looking for volunteers to be program committee members to assist in the reviewing process. If you are interested in becoming a reviewer, please fill out this form by March 29, 2024.

Each reviewer will be assigned no more than 2 submissions for long papers, and no more than 4 submissions total of any other type, with at least one month to complete the reviews.

Steering Committee Elections

The steering committee elections took place in December. Julia Damerow, Rinku Gupta, Kenton McHenry and Miranda Mundt will continue to serve for another year. The other five seats were open for selection. The following candidates have been successfully elected:

  • Abbey Roelofs
  • Alex Koufos
  • Ian Cosden
  • Jeff Carver
  • Keith Beattie

Thanks to the other excellent candidates David Beck, Mahmood Shad, and Torin White for making the election a success. All of them have helped to grow US-RSE and make it successful.

In addition, we want to express our gratitude to the three outgoing Steering Committee members, Nicole Brewer, Christina Maimone, and Sandra Gesing. Their decades of experience have been instrumental in advancing US-RSE, fostering connections within the broader research software community, and positioning US-RSE for a promising future.

US-RSE’23 Proceedings

The US-RSE’23 conference proceedings are now published! They can be found at All of the conference papers are now posted to this site, along with most of the other submission types. Our apologies for all of the delays in getting these posted. Thanks for your patience!

Community News

Member Spotlight

We are seeking content for a new section of the newsletter that will highlight both newer and seasoned members throughout the year. Please send Sophia Anyatonwu, US-RSE Community Manager, a summary (through Slack or email related to one of these topics:

  • What you are currently working on/contributing to in the US-RSE community
  • What you are actively planning on participating in this year as a member of US-RSE
  • Past projects/work you have participated in through US-RSE that you are proud of
  • Resources from the US-RSE community that you are starting to apply (or have already applied) professionally or personally
  • A summary of how you landed a job through US-RSE’s job board and who was involved, or a similar item about how you helped someone else land an interview or job, perhaps in collaboration with that person

Member Snapshot

We are working on creating a set of US-RSE Member Snapshots for social media. Please send Sophia Anyatonwu, US-RSE Community Manager, summary text and a picture through Slack or email

DEI Working Group

Call for Panelists at TAPIA Conference

The DEI Working Group has discussed organizing a panel discussion at the CMD-IT/ACM Tapia Conference which celebrates diversity in computing and will be held in San Diego in Sept. We would need a 500 word abstract about the discussion as well as 250 word biographies from each panelist by Feb 26th. If you’re interested in participating or have ideas about how to organize the panel discussion, please let Sandra Gesing know.

DEI Media Club - Next event will be March 21

Join us for our next DEI Media Club discussion (Thursday, March 21st, at 12pm ET/11am CST/10am MT/9am PT). Ping us on Slack (@wg-dei), email (, or through our general DEI feedback form.

Celebrating Black History Month

US-RSE’s DEI working group (DEI-WG) celebrated Black History Month by sharing a series of stories that recognized and celebrated inspirational African Americans who have been involved in computing, science, engineering, and/or math.

We’d love your input and assistance for future events.

RSE Empowerment in National Labs

Community building in your organization guide

Members of the US-RSE National Labs working group recently teamed up to write an article called, “Getting Started with the RSE Movement within your Organization: A Guide for Individuals”.

This guide is all about helping folks who want to jump into the RSE movement within their own organizations. We’ve added some practical steps and tips to help you make a difference by bringing RSEs together and building a strong community. Hopefully, the community will find it useful!

Working group participation in upcoming conferences

A number of working group members will be participating in conferences this coming April in which they’ll be sharing the experience of being an RSE working in national labs. These include a panel discussion at Sandia National Laboratories Sustainable Scientific Software Conference (S3C), and presentations at the UCAR Improving Scientific Software Conference (ISS) and the Salishan Conference on High Speed Computing.

Survey of members working at U.S. government research institutions

In an effort to better convey the sentiments of US-RSE members working at national labs at the above conferences, the working group is crafting a survey to garner insight into the issues that members are currently facing. This survey, along with follow-up focus group discussions to be held in March, will help the presenters illustrate the challenges and needs of US-RSE members to a wider audience. Please note that the working group takes an inclusive approach to the definition of “national lab” and as such, we encourage as many US-RSE members who work for U.S. government research institutions to please fill out the survey. The survey will open on Monday March 4, 2024 and can be accessed through this link.

If you have any questions or would like to make sure you have opportunities to participate, please reach out to the working group on Slack in the #wg-national-labs-empowerment channel or via or email list at

User Experience Working Group

The UXWG strives for regular, productive meetings that accommodate multiple schedules. We meet on the 3rd Tues of odd months at 2 PM ET/1 PM CST/11 AM PT/12 PM MT, and, on even months, the 3rd Wed at 4:30 PM ET/3:30 PM CST/1:30 PM PT/12 PM MT.

Join us on Slack in the #wg-ux channel.

Code Review Working Group

The goal of this working group is to build a community of RSEs who are interested in code review. The working group will provide a forum to gather resources related to code review, discuss the use of code review in research software project, and seek help in conducting code reviews.

To get involved, visit the #wg-code-review channel on the US-RSE slack.

Community Calls

March Community Call

Call for Presenters

In our March Community Call on Thursday, March 14, at 12pm ET/11am CT/10am MT/9am PT, we’ll be discussing the wide range of positions held by RSEs, the challenges and benefits of different types of roles, and brainstorming how US-RSE can help RSEs in varying situations. Register for the community call here.

To kick of the discussion, we’re looking for a handful of volunteers to give a quick (3-5 minute) summary of their current role. We’d like to feature a broad range of positions, since there are so many different types of RSEs. Are you a postdoc in a research group? Working in an RSE group at a national lab? Part of a group of staff RSEs at an academic institution? An individual RSE in a research group? Something else entirely?

If you are interested in presenting, please get in touch with Julia Damerow and Abbey Roelofs in the #communitycalls channel or by messaging them directly.

February Community Call (Past)

The February Community Call was on the topic of Keeping Up With Changing Technology.

Speakers presented on experiences where they had to make the call on when to upgrade a technology, change a framework, or let a project end.

Community Manager Office Hours

One weekday and one weekend time slot will be set aside each month for US-RSE members to chat with Sophia about membership matters. Members may also provide updates on how they are applying technical tools and other resources they have learned about from the US-RSE community. Additional information and relevant resources can be found on the US-RSE Slack in the #community-manager channel.

RSE Group Leaders’ Network (RSE-GLN)

Do you lead an RSE group? Do you want to talk to others about the challenges of leading and managing projects, people, and resources? Join the RSE-GLN!

US-RSE Funders Talk Series

The US-RSE hosted a series of conversations with funders for 1) RSEs to learn about funding opportunities and review and other processes, 2) RSEs to ask questions of the funder, and 3) funders to ask questions and learn about RSEs.

Visit the Funder Talk Series for more information and links to past presentations.

If you have suggestions for future talks, please contact Dan Katz.

This series is now on hiatus through the end of 2024. We’ll start thinking about possible next steps & future talks for 2025 later this year.

Interesting Events and Opportunities

Survey to understand mentorship needs

Dr. Reed Milewicz from Sandia National Laboratories is conducting a survey on mentorship. This survey seeks to answer questions such as:

  • What is mentorship like in software development contexts?
  • What matters most in mentoring relationships?
  • Do different groups (like women and LGBTIQ people) report similar or different priorities in mentorship across their careers?

The survey takes 10-15 minutes to complete. Participants will be entered into a raffle for a $100 gift card raffle. Three winners will be selected. Email addresses will be discarded after the raffle to protect anonymity.

Survey to understand how RSEs consider cybersecurity when writing software

Calling all research software engineers! We’re exploring how security is perceived in our community, and we want to hear from you. Whether you think about security every day or rarely think about security, your insights are invaluable to us. To participate, you will complete a survey that takes 20-30 minutes.

We will ensure your privacy during and after the survey process. The survey is anonymous.

Your participation in this research study is voluntary. If you are interested, after completion of the survey you can enter a drawing for up to three $100 Gift Cards. The entry for the drawing is separate from the survey to ensure your answers remain anonymous. If you decide to participate in this study, you may quit the survey at any time and your partial responses will not be included in the study. However, only those who complete the study are eligible for the drawing.

If you are willing to participate in this study, please click here.

If you have any questions regarding the research study, please contact Matthew Armstrong ( or Dr. Jeffrey Carver (

This research has been reviewed according to University of Alabama procedures for research involving human subjects. If you have any questions about your rights as a participant in this study or any concerns or complaints, please contact the University of Alabama Office of Research Compliance at 1-877-820-3066.

Survey to better understand code review practices of RSEs

Dr. Jeffrey Carver, Dr. Nasir Eisty, and Md Ariful Malik of the University of Alabama are conducting a study to understand the practices, impacts and barriers of code review techniques for RSEs.

As an RSE, we are soliciting your participation in our study. Taking part in this study involves completing a web survey that will take about 15 minutes. This survey contains questions about your previous experience with the code review process.

Your participation is completely anonymous and voluntary. You are free not to participate or stop participating any time before you submit your answers. You must be 18 years of age or older to participate in the study and the survey.

If you are willing to participate in this study, please click here.

If you have any questions regarding the survey, please contact Dr. Jeffrey Carver ( or Dr. Nasir Eisty (

This research study has been approved by the University of Alabama Institutional Review Board.

On behalf of The Science of High-Performance Computing group at The University of Texas at Austin, a a brief (5-10 minute) survey is being conducted to learn about your experience with dense linear algebra software. Your responses to the survey will in part help them plan for the future. The survey will close at 23:00 UTC on March 31, 2024.

Upcoming Events

Python in Heliophysics Community 2024 Summer School

This year’s Summer School builds on the foundational success of its predecessor, offering an even deeper dive into the rich ecosystem of Heliophysics Python packages. Open to graduate students, early career scientists, and anyone eager to deepen their understanding of Python in the Heliophysics and Space Weather disciplines, this program promises a mix of in-depth tutorials, engaging demos, and hands-on sessions, delivered by some of the field’s leading experts.

Remote options will be available for those unable to make the trip to Boulder. The presentations will also be recorded and streamed to YouTube. Further, in keeping with PyHC’s commitment to knowledge-sharing, this year’s event remains FREE for all attendees.

DH Inside Out - Mini-conference at DH2024 (in-person only)

Call for Submissions

From August 6-9, 2024, DH2024 will be held at George Mason University in Arlington, Virginia, USA. DHTech will hold a mini-conference at DH2024 themed “DH Inside Out”. Typical DH conference presentations are focussed on the research with a slight nod to the technical details; the conference organizers want to flip the format and dive more deeply into the technical aspects of the work, while still keeping it in context of the research and domain specifics. To that end, they invite submissions of interest to the people who work on the technical aspects of DH projects, such as:

  • Implementation and design specifics of packages and applications
  • Lessons learnt regarding the design and implementation of research software
  • Tool demonstrations from a technical perspective
  • Community and diversity topics specific to the technical DH community

Submission deadline is March 15, 2024. Please submit using this form. Please be aware that you may be asked to resubmit to a different platform depending on the number of submissions that are received.

Call for Reviewers

The conference organizers are looking for reviewers for submission to “DH Inside Out”. If you are willing to review two to three submissions between March 15 and March 31, 2024, please sign up using this form.

Announcing Google Season of Docs 2024

Google Season of Docs allows open source organizations to apply for a grant based on their documentation needs. If selected, the open source organizations use their grant to directly hire a technical writer to complete their documentation project. Organizations have up to six months to complete their documentation project. At the end of the program, organizations complete their final case study which outlines the problem the documentation project was intended to solve, what metrics were used to judge the effectiveness of the documentation, and what the organization learned for the future. All project case studies are published on the Season of Docs site at the end of the program.

Open source organizations apply to take part in Google Season of Docs from February 22, 2024 to April 2, 2024.

Introducing the ModelShare Program

Through a series of interactive, online and free workshops, the scientific community will be brought together to inform the development of guidelines for researchers to effectively implement model-sharing practices throughout the modeling lifecycle.

The workshops will take place between mid-February and late May 2024, and enable dialogue amongst data scientists, academic publishers, computational modelers, and the wider scientific community. Each workshop will host thought-provoking presentations by – or panel discussions with – leading experts. Meanwhile, the ModelShare team will ensure that events are welcoming and inclusive of diverse experiences, adhering to the Open Modeling Foundation’s (OMF) Code of Conduct.

Announcing the STRUDEL Event Series

Have you found building and delivering usable scientific software to be challenging? Are you encountering challenges meeting user needs with the software your team is developing?

Join the STRUDEL project’s upcoming events to learn more about approaches and tools to address these challenges!

The Berkeley Lab Scientific Data Division User Experience (UX) team has launched the Scientific sofTware Research for User experience, Design, Engagement, and Learning (STRUDEL) project to address these pain points. Please join us for the STRUDEL project’s upcoming series of events designed to help support adoption of user experience (UX) approaches in scientific software development.

IHDEA and DASH Hybrid Meeting

Calling all software developers and scientists who are interested in algorithms, software and data systems related to space physics, heliophysics, geospace and related sciences! Come see what your colleagues are working on!

The European Space Agency (ESA) is pleased to host the venue of the upcoming DASH (Data Analysis and Software in Heliophysics) and IHDEA (International Heliophysics Data Environment Alliance) annual meetings in its premises at European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC), near Madrid Spain from 14 to 18 October 2024. This will be a hybrid meeting.

2024 Improving Scientific Software Conference

The 2024 Improving Scientific Software Conference will be held during the week of April 15-19, 2024 in Boulder, Colorado. A virtual registration option is also available for those interested in remote attendance.

This year’s conference will focus on the modernization of scientific software.

Submit a Tutorial Proposal to Supercomputing 2024

Consider submitting a tutorial proposal for SC’24, Atlanta, 17-22 Nov 2024.

SC Tutorials is one of the largest tutorial programs at any computing-related conference. These high-quality tutorials are a highlight of the SC Conference.

The Tutorials Committee strongly promotes diversity and inclusivity in all aspects. They particularly welcome and encourage tutorial collaborations that include a diversity of presenters and institutional types, particularly those typically underrepresented at the conference.

Honorarium and travel reimbursement provided for accepted tutorial presenters.

For more details, visit:


  • April 19, 2024: Submissions close
  • June 28, 2024: Notifications will be sent
  • November 17 - 18, 2024: SC’24 Tutorials

Sustainable Scientific Software Conference

The Sustainable Scientific Software Conference will take place April 8-11 in Seattle, WA. This conference will help connect individuals and teams from the High Performance Computing (HPC) community that are working to deliver scientific software solutions in a sustainable manner. Sustainable software delivery spans the spectrum of software engineering, from design and development to DevOps, and software deployment platforms, from laptops to HPC systems.

SciPy 2024

The 23rd annual SciPy conference will be held July 8-14 in Tacoma, WA at the Tacoma Convention Center.

SciPy brings together attendees from industry, academia and government to showcase their latest projects, learn from skilled users and developers, and collaborate on code development.

Virtual Conference Passes are available.

JuliaCon 2024

JuliaCon 2024 will be held July 9-13 at Philips Stadion, Eindhoven in the Netherlands. Join the largest annual conference organized around the Julia programming language.

Interesting Reads, Videos, or Podcasts

US-RSE Financials

From a financial perspective, 2023 was an exciting year for US-RSE. We were awarded a two-year grant from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation and switched fiscal sponsors. We are very grateful to the Open Collective Foundation (OCF) that was our fiscal sponsor until last spring. However, with the awarded grant our needs changed and we are now a fiscally sponsored project of Community Initiatives (CI). CI gives us the structure and resources to hire staff such as the Executive Director and the Community Manager, accept donations and reimburse members for expenses they incurred on behalf of US-RSE. The community funds possible via the Alfred P. Sloan grant are also awarded via CI.

The majority of the grant from the Sloan Foundation is budgeted to pay for our new Executive Director and Community Manager. Besides that we’ve budgeted money to support staff travel, the US-RSE conference, fund community activities through our new Community and Travel Fund program, and fund smaller items such as code of conduct trainings for our code of conduct committee members. CI charges 10% of our income for providing resources, infrastructure, and support (trust us when we say we make good use of those resources). Switching from OCF to CI turned out to been an unexpectedly complex change and it has been a very steep learning curve. We appreciate our members’ patience as we navigate the world of non-profit regulations and guidelines.

Get Involved

There are lots of ways to get involved with the US-RSE community. Of course, you can join us on Slack. We’re also looking for ideas and help in many other places. See our list of projects and let us know how you’d like to help. Help with things like the Website Committee, Social Media, Community Engagement, Fundraising, and Newsletter are all needed and welcome.

New guidance was recently released on how to create new Affinity Groups and Working Groups. If you see an unmet need in the US-RSE community, we encourage you to create your own group!

As always we thank everyone who is already contributing for their help in shaping and growing the organization.

US-RSE Working Groups:

Recent Job Postings

These opportunities were recently posted to the RSE Opportunities page:

  1. Research Software Engineer: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA Posted: Feb 16, 2024
  2. Software Engineer I: National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), Boulder, CO Posted: Feb 09, 2024
  3. IS Senior Programmer - HPC Scientific Programmer: Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Columbus, OH (Ohio Residents Preferred) Posted: Jan 31, 2024
  4. AI Research Scientist: Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN/hybrid Posted: Jan 26, 2024
  5. Software Scientist: Open Free Energy/Open Molecular Software Foundation, fully remote Posted: Jan 24, 2024
  6. Professional Services Engineer: University of Chicago (Globus), Hybrid - in person meetings attendance required Posted: Jan 22, 2024
  7. Postdoc - Syracuse University Open Source Project Office: Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY Posted: Jan 09, 2024
  8. Software Engineer/Developer: Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA (on-site) Posted: Dec 19, 2023
  9. Research Software Engineer II (Language and Intelligence): Princeton University, Princeton, NJ Posted: Dec 14, 2023
  10. Programmer II: Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA Posted: Dec 05, 2023
  11. OSTP Software Developer: Kitware, Clifton Park, NY Posted: Nov 30, 2023
  12. Associate Research Scientist / Research Scientist - Software: Flatiron Institute, Center for Computational Neuroscience, New York, NY Posted: Nov 17, 2023
  13. Researcher and Engineer Positions in Advanced Wireless, Open RAN, and Rural Broadband: Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa Posted: May 18, 2023
  1. Assistant Professor, Teaching Track, in Software Development and Design: University of Washington, Seattle, WA Posted: Feb 12, 2024
  2. HPC Systems Engineer: Tufts University, Remote Posted: Feb 07, 2024


  1. Associate in Research Software Engineering - Temporary: Princeton University, Princeton, NJ Posted: Feb 14, 2024
  2. Software Packaging Internship: Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center, Pittsburgh, PA Posted: Feb 01, 2024
  3. Molecular Dynamics Internship: Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center, Pittsburgh, PA Posted: Feb 01, 2024
  4. Anton Data Portal Internship: Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center, Pittsburgh, PA Posted: Feb 01, 2024
  5. Monte Carlo Methods for Simulating Microphysiology Internship: Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center, Pittsburgh, PA Posted: Jan 29, 2024
  6. Neural Network Variational Ansatz for Quantum Many-Body Simulation Internship: Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center, Pittsburgh, PA Posted: Jan 29, 2024
  7. Brain Image Library Student Research Programmer: Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center, Pittsburgh, PA Posted: Jan 29, 2024
  8. Summer 2024 research experience for undergraduates (REU) in open source machine learning models and tools: NCSA, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL Posted: Jan 05, 2024

Other Job Boards

The following boards might also be of interest.

  1. Software Carpentries Job Opportunities
  2. Academic Data Science Alliance Jobs
  3. Society of Research Software Engineering Vacancies

Please read our job posting policy first, then fill out this Google form to request additions to the job board.

This newsletter is a joint effort of members of the US-RSE Association.
